Achieve Autonomy in your Business with Dubsado


Are you able to take a day off and have your business still function without you?

It is possible to create processes that enable you to not manually do every aspect of your business.

Dubsado is a business management platform that gives business owners the tools to build relationships, schedule appointments, and create workflows to streamline your projects from start to finish.

What are some simple steps you can take today to achieve autonomy in your business?

Establish a solid lead capture form

  • Be mindful of the information you are requesting. What do you NEED to know before speaking to a client?

  • Require those fields so leads are not able to leave them blank

  • Some additional fields you might want to consider:

    • Instagram Handle & Website - Help you research leads before speaking with them.

    • Ideal Start Date - Are you available immediately? Or will you need to put them on a waitlist? This gives you an idea of what time frame they are looking for

    • Budget - Are your prices available on your website? If not, you may want to ask leads what their budget is.

Set your Calendar Boundaries

  • In Dubsado, you can set parameters for specific meeting types.

  • Do you only want a specific amount of client calls in one day?

  • Do you want to create a buffer after meetings in case they run long?

  • What hours do you want to take specific meetings?

  • Sync with your personal calendar so a client isn’t able to schedule a call with you at the same time as your kid’s dentist appointment.

  • This way, you can send the scheduler to a client, or even better, your done-for-you workflow can send the scheduler over to a client and they can pick a time that works best for them that fits into your schedule without the back and forth.

Create automated workflows

  • Automated workflows is where Dubsado shines. It is possible to make unlimited workflows that fit any scenario and manipulate them into whatever level of control you want to have over it. 

  • Take time to write down exactly what your client journey looks like, from the time they are interested in working with you until the project has finished and you’re ready to send a testimonial. 

  • This process can be translated into workflows in Dubsado that can move your clients along their journey with as little or as much guidance from you as you want.

  • The goal is to have clients  not remain stagnant while you are busy doing other things. 

Are you struggling with having the time or energy to streamline your processes yourself? That's what I'm here for. Check out the Dubsado services I have on my website. I'd love to help you.