The Best Way to Send a Proposal


You’ve had a call with a client and now it’s time for you to send the proposal.

How can we make this process as painless as possible for both sides?

Dubsado has 2 amazing features that make sending a proposal seamless:

  1. Interactive proposal where the client can select the services they are interest in

  2. The ability to attach a contract and invoice to immediately follow after the client has selected the service they want

Proposal Features

  • You can list all services that you offer on a proposal and the client can select the ones that they are interested in.

  • You can tier your services and have all the options on one invoice. This way, the client can easily see what’s included with each tier as they decide

Contract and Invoice

  • Why should the client have to wait for you to send a contract and invoice after they’ve accepted your proposal?

  • The client will get one email. Once they make their selection for the proposal, the contract will immediately follow. After they sign that, an invoice will be created and they can pay you right there.

  • A process that could take days of going back and forth now is settled in one email!

You can set templates for proposals, contracts and invoices, but there is an option to edit them before you send them to clients. You can personalize, adjust pricing and terms of service all in one place. The contract will be saved in the client’s project for easy reference.

Do you think you could benefit from the proposal features that Dubsado offers?

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