How Hiring a Virtual Assistant Can Earn You More Money


Who here is guilty of trying to do everything yourself because you think it saves money?

How many of you have done an easier task in lieu of something you really should be doing because it makes you feel like you at least accomplished something?

All these small tasks rack up fast and add up to be a colossal waste of your time.


Questions to ask yourself

  1. What is my hourly rate doing the actual bread and butter of my business?

  2. How many hours am I spending doing things other than that?

  3. How much more could I make if I outsourced the small tasks so I had more time to earn my hourly rate?


There’s the cliché, “work smarter, not harder”. It sounds simple, but it’s deeper than that. Sometimes keeping ourselves busy keeps us in our comfort zone instead of branching out to the more challenging, abstract tasks that will actually bring us more happiness and success.

It’s like in college when you would clean your room instead of studying for a final. You felt ok about it because it was more productive than binge watching tv, but was that really the most effective way to spend your time? No! You should have just been studying!

Do you feel like you could earn more if you had less on your plate? Let us know in the comments.