Collaborating with a Virtual Assistant


Have you wondered what it’s like to work with a virtual assistant? Are you curious how much of a role they will play in your business?

Hiring a virtual assistant is a great solution for small businesses who need additional help, but do not have the funds or need for a full time employee. They can even help you make more money in the long run.

I have noticed that the type of help my clients need falls on a spectrum and can ebb and flow throughout working together.


I Want Specific Tasks Done in a Specific Way

This works well for clients who

  • Have a successful system already set up and just need help maintaining it

    • You like the way you have been doing things, but you would love to spend your time doing other tasks.

    • You want to train or have already documented your process for someone else to follow

  • Have had a virtual assistant before

    • You have worked with a virtual assistant before, and want your next one to follow the same script that the last one did.

    • Your last virtual assistant is available to train your new virtual assistant.

  • Have plug-and-play templates ready

    • You have sets of canned emails ready for use

    • You have social media templates that just need information added to them

    • You have blog outlines that need to be filled in

  • Have simpler tasks that need to be done

    • You need already prepared content to be shared

    • You need help with scheduling

Take My Ideas and Run With It

Want help determining the direction their business is going

  • You want advice on how to grow your business

  • You want guidance on new potential revenue streams

  • A dreamer who doesn’t want to worry about “the other stuff”

    • You love your job, but you hate dealing with the day-to-day of running your business

    • You have a set amount of hours you wish to work and don’t want to waste any on administrative duties

  • Enjoy input from others

    • You love the idea of having someone to bounce ideas off of

    • You enjoy receiving different perspectives

    • You like to outsource skills that you might be lacking

I would say 99% of my clients fall in the middle of the spectrum and our working relationship is more collaborative. 

It doesn’t matter where you are on the spectrum, it’s about what you want and need. I’m just here to support that!

Where do you fall on the spectrum? Comment below!