3 Ways to Track KPIs for Instagram that Go Beyond Numbers

Track KPIs for Instagram

You monitor your insights, but do you ever question the why behind them changing?

Whether you're looking to track your own personal progress or using it to track the efficacy of someone you're outsourcing, it is key to not only monitor KPIs, but question that why behind the changes.

1. Reach

The total number of people who have seen your content.

  • Are you, on average, increasing over time?

  • As your reach increases, are you seeing an increase in visibility to your ideal clients?

2. Impressions

The number of times your content has been displayed on a screen

  • Are you, on average, increasing over time?

  • Compare a post with high impressions to a post with low impressions. What are the differences?

3. Engagement Rate

It is considered engagement whenever a person interacts with your content, whether it be a like, comment, save, etc.

How do you calculate your engagement rate? Interactions / Reach x 100

  • Are you, on average, increasing over time?

  • Compare a post with high engagement to a post with low engagement. What are the differences?

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